Constitution and Bylaws
Pleasant Grove High Band Boosters
Article I – Name
Section 1. The name of this association shall be “PLEASANT GROVE HIGH BAND BOOSTERS”.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of this association shall be to create interest in and give moral and financial support to the music and related performance programs that are directly overseen by the Music Director(s) of Pleasant Grove High School (PGHS), but in no way interfere with the teaching policies of the Music Director(s).
Article III – Membership
Section 1. The organization shall consist of a general membership that includes parents/legal guardians of all students currently enrolled in PGHS music and related performance programs. Each family unit shall have one vote at general meetings.
Section 2. The PGHS Music Director(s) and one designated instructor from each additional related program shall be considered ex-officio members of the organization, with voting rights at general meetings. The music director(s) shall also be (an) ex-officio member(s) of the Executive Board and all committees formed by the Executive Board with full voting rights.
Section 3. This organization shall have no monetary dues.
Article IV – Officers and Elections
Section 1. The Executive Board of this organization shall consist of the PGHS Music Director(s) and officers elected from the general membership.
Section 1a. Each board position shall have one vote at Executive Board meetings.
Section 1b. Elected officers shall serve for a term of one year and begin their term following the last Booster Club meeting of the fiscal year ending June 30. Outgoing officers shall transfer all officer materials, books, and banking information/records to the newly elected officers upon finalization of the June bank statement.
Section 1c. There shall be a term limit of two years that apply to the positions of President and Treasurer in which an officer may consecutively serve.
Section 1d. All elected officer positions are volunteer positions.
Section 2. Nominations for all elected officer positions shall be taken during the month of April. Elections of new board members shall take place at the May General Booster Club meeting.
Section 2a. Election of officers shall be by written or e-mailed ballot of the general membership.
Section 2b. Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by special election to serve for the remainder of the elected term.
Section 3. Duties of Officers:
President: Shall preside at all meetings of the association, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President may act as liaison between the Booster Club, School District, or campus administration, or may delegate duties to another officer or committee chair as necessary. The President shall be listed on the bank signature card. This position has a term limit of two years.
Vice President: Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. Shall serve as meeting Parliamentarian as appropriate. Shall provide support to the Fundraising Coordinator and event committees as formed to plan and coordinate band functions and events. In addition, the Vice President is responsible for the completion of the annual audit, which should be presented at the October meeting following the end of the fiscal year, and shall provide assistance to the treasurer upon request.
Secretary: Shall record all minutes of each meeting and submit those minutes for formal approval at the following meeting. Secretary shall e-mail draft meeting minutes to the Executive Board for review and approval, then e-mail the approved general meeting minutes to the general membership. The secretary shall also post approved general meeting minutes in the Booster Club binder in the PGHS band room, where they will be available to all club members for review upon request. Secretary may also assist with the preparation of all meeting agendas, including processing requests for items to be included on upcoming agendas. Secretary shall also be responsible for all general written and e-mail correspondences to club membership and shall draft correspondence on behalf of the club in support of other officers as required. The Secretary will also maintain the parent roster, maintain copies of correspondence and documents, maintain all physical and electronic records, create forms and flyers as needed, and keep attendance records of each meeting and event as appropriate. The Secretary shall be listed on the bank signature card.
Treasurer: Shall collect, receive, and be custodian of all monies paid into the club including any and all subaccounts, pay all bills of the club upon proper approval, report financial status of the club at monthly board meetings, and assist with the preparation of the club budget to be presented at the beginning of the school year. The Treasurer shall be listed on the bank signature card. The Treasurer may also designate (an)other member(s) of the Executive Board to collect/receive monies. In addition, the Treasurer shall prepare a mid-year financial statement in January and an annual report at the end of the fiscal year. The Treasurer shall supply the auditor with all information required for the audit, and supply information to the appointed tax preparer if other than the Treasurer. This position has a term limit of two years.
Fundraising Coordinator: Shall oversee the solicitation of donations from businesses and individuals who would potentially donate to the club and act as liaison between the Booster Club and all sponsors.
The Fundraising Coordinator shall plan and coordinate fundraising events and will organize volunteers for those events. The Fundraising Coordinator or designee shall be responsible for maintaining the rosters of student participants for events which summarize their community service hours or student account earnings, and shall submit such records to the treasurer for credit as needed. Duties also shall include maintaining a log of fiscal year donations and overseeing the sending of letters of thanks to sponsors/donors as required.
Publicity Coordinator: Shall notify media of upcoming band and related group performances and other events/activities, draft written correspondence to promote the activities of the club and provide information to school personnel pursuant to said events. Shall provide support to the Fundraising Coordinator and event committees to plan publicity for and coordinate band functions and events. Shall coordinate with the Webmaster for the posting of publicity items on the School’s website, the Booster website, and Social Media.
Webmaster: Shall maintain and update a Booster Club website with all pertinent band information, with responsibility for assisting the Music Director(s) in developing and maintaining the band calendar. Shall serve as PGHS communication coordinators and update the Booster website and Social Media with all pertinent band information.
Equipment Coordinator: Shall oversee transporting or finding transportation for band and related equipment to and from performances not being held at Pleasant Grove High School. Shall assist the Music Director(s) in maintaining inventory records of equipment purchased by the Booster Club.
Uniform Coordinator: Shall oversee the distribution, return, and maintenance of band uniforms and shall coordinate with the Treasurer regarding any record keeping and money collection associated thereto.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1. General Meetings. Shall be held at least four times a year or as needed, with dates chosen by the Executive Board and announced to the general membership in advance.
Section 1a. All general meetings are open to the public, with voting rights reserved to the membership as defined in Article III.
Section 1b. A quorum of 5 will be required to vote on agenda items or on items brought before a special meeting. A motion before the general membership will be considered to be passed with a majority of the general membership voting in favor. Motions on topics not on the agenda may be tabled and placed on the agenda for the next meeting at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 1c. Members may vote on agenda items by telephone or email prior to 5 PM the date of the general meeting.
Section 2. Executive Board Meetings. Shall be held monthly on a date and time and at a location mutually agreed upon by the Executive Board members. Board meetings shall precede the general meeting scheduled for that month. Special Executive Board meetings may be held as needed as mutually agreed upon by the Executive Board members.
Section 2a. Executive Board Meetings shall be open to members of the Executive Board, to those representing items for board consideration and to other presenters solicited by the Board to supply/present information as needed.
Section 2b. A quorum of 5 will be required to vote on agenda items of the Executive Board or on items brought before a special Executive Board meeting. A motion will be considered to be passed by the Executive Board with a majority voting in favor.
Section 2c. Executive Board officers may vote on agenda items by telephone or by email prior to 5 PM the date of the meeting.
Section 3. No project for the welfare of the band shall be undertaken which does not have the advance approval of the Music Director.
Section 4. The annual budget and any expense over $500 will require Executive Board review and majority approval prior to the item(s) being placed on the agenda for a vote at a general meeting.
Article VI – Finance
Section 1. The fiscal year, for financial and reporting purposes, shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 2. Income tax returns and documentation shall be prepared by the Treasurer or a designee approved by the Executive Board, and completed in compliance with the state and federal regulations pursuant to maintaining the good standing of the non-profit status of the association.
Section 3. The annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Board and submitted to the general membership for approval at the beginning of each new school year. Individual programs (e.g., Winter Percussion, Color Guard, other performance groups) supported by the Band Boosters shall submit a tentative operating budget to the Music Director(s) at the beginning of each fiscal year for approval prior to submitting it to the Executive Board for approval and subsequent incorporation into the master budget, which is then subject to the budget approval process outlined in Article V, Section 4.
Section 4. Sub-accounts.
Section 4a. In addition to the general boosters fund, the Treasurer shall maintain record of separate sub-accounts for the music program; including but not limited to uniforms, student accounts, and student assistance fund.
Section 4b. All requests for funds from PGH Band Boosters for any music-related programs associated with PGHS must be approved by the Music Director(s).
Section 4c. Any projected expenditures and disbursements from the Boosters account and/or sub-accounts must be placed on the agenda for Executive Board review and approval by a majority vote. Projected expenditures of over $500 will be placed on the agenda for a vote at the next general meeting.
Article VII – Student Accounts
Section 1. Students participating in the music and related programs of Pleasant Grove High School will have a Band Boosters’ savings account for fundraised money. Students may utilize funds from their account to cover expenses related to music and related education, equipment purchases, and travel as long as the student is continuously participating in the PGHS music or related programs. A transfer or check request form signed by the parent or legal guardian is required for disbursement of monies from student accounts. Checks will be made payable to students or their parent/guardian only in repayment of an already-incurred expense and a copy of the receipt will be required.
Section 2. Upon leaving the music or related program or graduating from PGHS, student savings account funds may be transferred to a sibling if the sibling is to continue participating in the music or related program. Otherwise, all unused money in the student’s individual account will be transferred to the Band Booster’s Student Assistance Fund at the beginning of the school year following the student’s departure.
Section 3. Any money owed to the PGHS Music Program or fundraising event will be deducted first from the Student Account before requests for reimbursement of music-related expenses will be honored.
Article VIII - Amendments
Section 1. Bylaws may be amended as needed, with proposed text changes submitted in writing or sent via email prior to a regularly-scheduled or special Executive Board meeting. Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board prior to being submitted to the general membership for final approval.
Section 2. Written and/or e-mail notice of intent to conduct a vote on amendments to Bylaws must be included in the announcement of the agenda for the upcoming general meeting. Voting on amendments will require a quorum of 5, and amendments are approved if a majority of the members present at the meeting vote for approval.
Section 3. Approved amendments will be incorporated into the Bylaws text by the secretary. A current copy of the Bylaws shall be available on the PGH Band Booster website.
Article IX – Termination of Association
Section 1. Upon the dissolution of this organization, any Band Booster assets remaining after the payment of, or provision for the payment of, all debts and liabilities, shall be distributed to the Pleasant Grove High School Band Fund, Pleasant Grove High School, if it is then in existence and organized and operated exclusively for the charitable purposes and exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3). If not then in existence or so organized, operated or exempt, then assets may be distributed to another organization which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under IRC section 501(x)(3).
Adopted this 12th day of November, 2009.
President: Heather Reinitz
Vice President: Joseph Jacobs
Secretary: Michele O’Donnell
Treasurer: Am Nguyen
Fundraising Coordinator: Cathy Sterk
Publicity Coordinator: Leslie Youngstrom
Equipment Coordinator: Larry & Heidi Walther
Uniform Coordinator: Laura Abe
Webmaster: Giselle Koford
Amended this 21st day of November 2019.
President: Monique Anderson
Vice President: Sharri Smith
Secretary: Michelle Kroll
Treasurer: Julie Sportelli
Fundraising Coordinator: Michelle Atwood
Publicity Coordinator: Giselle Koford
Equipment Coordinator: Angelica Quezada
Uniform Coordinator: Jennifer Escobar
Webmaster: Jenny Nelson
Amended this 21st day of January, 2021.
President: Michelle Atwood
Vice President: Sharri Smith
Secretary: Marcella Singh
Treasurer: Robin Farnsworth
Fundraising Coordinator: Michelle Kroll
Publicity Coordinator: Giselle Koford
Equipment Coordinator:
Uniform Coordinator: Jennifer Escobar
Webmaster: Jenny Nelson
Pleasant Grove High Band Boosters
Article I – Name
Section 1. The name of this association shall be “PLEASANT GROVE HIGH BAND BOOSTERS”.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of this association shall be to create interest in and give moral and financial support to the music and related performance programs that are directly overseen by the Music Director(s) of Pleasant Grove High School (PGHS), but in no way interfere with the teaching policies of the Music Director(s).
Article III – Membership
Section 1. The organization shall consist of a general membership that includes parents/legal guardians of all students currently enrolled in PGHS music and related performance programs. Each family unit shall have one vote at general meetings.
Section 2. The PGHS Music Director(s) and one designated instructor from each additional related program shall be considered ex-officio members of the organization, with voting rights at general meetings. The music director(s) shall also be (an) ex-officio member(s) of the Executive Board and all committees formed by the Executive Board with full voting rights.
Section 3. This organization shall have no monetary dues.
Article IV – Officers and Elections
Section 1. The Executive Board of this organization shall consist of the PGHS Music Director(s) and officers elected from the general membership.
Section 1a. Each board position shall have one vote at Executive Board meetings.
Section 1b. Elected officers shall serve for a term of one year and begin their term following the last Booster Club meeting of the fiscal year ending June 30. Outgoing officers shall transfer all officer materials, books, and banking information/records to the newly elected officers upon finalization of the June bank statement.
Section 1c. There shall be a term limit of two years that apply to the positions of President and Treasurer in which an officer may consecutively serve.
Section 1d. All elected officer positions are volunteer positions.
Section 2. Nominations for all elected officer positions shall be taken during the month of April. Elections of new board members shall take place at the May General Booster Club meeting.
Section 2a. Election of officers shall be by written or e-mailed ballot of the general membership.
Section 2b. Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by special election to serve for the remainder of the elected term.
Section 3. Duties of Officers:
President: Shall preside at all meetings of the association, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President may act as liaison between the Booster Club, School District, or campus administration, or may delegate duties to another officer or committee chair as necessary. The President shall be listed on the bank signature card. This position has a term limit of two years.
Vice President: Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. Shall serve as meeting Parliamentarian as appropriate. Shall provide support to the Fundraising Coordinator and event committees as formed to plan and coordinate band functions and events. In addition, the Vice President is responsible for the completion of the annual audit, which should be presented at the October meeting following the end of the fiscal year, and shall provide assistance to the treasurer upon request.
Secretary: Shall record all minutes of each meeting and submit those minutes for formal approval at the following meeting. Secretary shall e-mail draft meeting minutes to the Executive Board for review and approval, then e-mail the approved general meeting minutes to the general membership. The secretary shall also post approved general meeting minutes in the Booster Club binder in the PGHS band room, where they will be available to all club members for review upon request. Secretary may also assist with the preparation of all meeting agendas, including processing requests for items to be included on upcoming agendas. Secretary shall also be responsible for all general written and e-mail correspondences to club membership and shall draft correspondence on behalf of the club in support of other officers as required. The Secretary will also maintain the parent roster, maintain copies of correspondence and documents, maintain all physical and electronic records, create forms and flyers as needed, and keep attendance records of each meeting and event as appropriate. The Secretary shall be listed on the bank signature card.
Treasurer: Shall collect, receive, and be custodian of all monies paid into the club including any and all subaccounts, pay all bills of the club upon proper approval, report financial status of the club at monthly board meetings, and assist with the preparation of the club budget to be presented at the beginning of the school year. The Treasurer shall be listed on the bank signature card. The Treasurer may also designate (an)other member(s) of the Executive Board to collect/receive monies. In addition, the Treasurer shall prepare a mid-year financial statement in January and an annual report at the end of the fiscal year. The Treasurer shall supply the auditor with all information required for the audit, and supply information to the appointed tax preparer if other than the Treasurer. This position has a term limit of two years.
Fundraising Coordinator: Shall oversee the solicitation of donations from businesses and individuals who would potentially donate to the club and act as liaison between the Booster Club and all sponsors.
The Fundraising Coordinator shall plan and coordinate fundraising events and will organize volunteers for those events. The Fundraising Coordinator or designee shall be responsible for maintaining the rosters of student participants for events which summarize their community service hours or student account earnings, and shall submit such records to the treasurer for credit as needed. Duties also shall include maintaining a log of fiscal year donations and overseeing the sending of letters of thanks to sponsors/donors as required.
Publicity Coordinator: Shall notify media of upcoming band and related group performances and other events/activities, draft written correspondence to promote the activities of the club and provide information to school personnel pursuant to said events. Shall provide support to the Fundraising Coordinator and event committees to plan publicity for and coordinate band functions and events. Shall coordinate with the Webmaster for the posting of publicity items on the School’s website, the Booster website, and Social Media.
Webmaster: Shall maintain and update a Booster Club website with all pertinent band information, with responsibility for assisting the Music Director(s) in developing and maintaining the band calendar. Shall serve as PGHS communication coordinators and update the Booster website and Social Media with all pertinent band information.
Equipment Coordinator: Shall oversee transporting or finding transportation for band and related equipment to and from performances not being held at Pleasant Grove High School. Shall assist the Music Director(s) in maintaining inventory records of equipment purchased by the Booster Club.
Uniform Coordinator: Shall oversee the distribution, return, and maintenance of band uniforms and shall coordinate with the Treasurer regarding any record keeping and money collection associated thereto.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1. General Meetings. Shall be held at least four times a year or as needed, with dates chosen by the Executive Board and announced to the general membership in advance.
Section 1a. All general meetings are open to the public, with voting rights reserved to the membership as defined in Article III.
Section 1b. A quorum of 5 will be required to vote on agenda items or on items brought before a special meeting. A motion before the general membership will be considered to be passed with a majority of the general membership voting in favor. Motions on topics not on the agenda may be tabled and placed on the agenda for the next meeting at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 1c. Members may vote on agenda items by telephone or email prior to 5 PM the date of the general meeting.
Section 2. Executive Board Meetings. Shall be held monthly on a date and time and at a location mutually agreed upon by the Executive Board members. Board meetings shall precede the general meeting scheduled for that month. Special Executive Board meetings may be held as needed as mutually agreed upon by the Executive Board members.
Section 2a. Executive Board Meetings shall be open to members of the Executive Board, to those representing items for board consideration and to other presenters solicited by the Board to supply/present information as needed.
Section 2b. A quorum of 5 will be required to vote on agenda items of the Executive Board or on items brought before a special Executive Board meeting. A motion will be considered to be passed by the Executive Board with a majority voting in favor.
Section 2c. Executive Board officers may vote on agenda items by telephone or by email prior to 5 PM the date of the meeting.
Section 3. No project for the welfare of the band shall be undertaken which does not have the advance approval of the Music Director.
Section 4. The annual budget and any expense over $500 will require Executive Board review and majority approval prior to the item(s) being placed on the agenda for a vote at a general meeting.
Article VI – Finance
Section 1. The fiscal year, for financial and reporting purposes, shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 2. Income tax returns and documentation shall be prepared by the Treasurer or a designee approved by the Executive Board, and completed in compliance with the state and federal regulations pursuant to maintaining the good standing of the non-profit status of the association.
Section 3. The annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Board and submitted to the general membership for approval at the beginning of each new school year. Individual programs (e.g., Winter Percussion, Color Guard, other performance groups) supported by the Band Boosters shall submit a tentative operating budget to the Music Director(s) at the beginning of each fiscal year for approval prior to submitting it to the Executive Board for approval and subsequent incorporation into the master budget, which is then subject to the budget approval process outlined in Article V, Section 4.
Section 4. Sub-accounts.
Section 4a. In addition to the general boosters fund, the Treasurer shall maintain record of separate sub-accounts for the music program; including but not limited to uniforms, student accounts, and student assistance fund.
Section 4b. All requests for funds from PGH Band Boosters for any music-related programs associated with PGHS must be approved by the Music Director(s).
Section 4c. Any projected expenditures and disbursements from the Boosters account and/or sub-accounts must be placed on the agenda for Executive Board review and approval by a majority vote. Projected expenditures of over $500 will be placed on the agenda for a vote at the next general meeting.
Article VII – Student Accounts
Section 1. Students participating in the music and related programs of Pleasant Grove High School will have a Band Boosters’ savings account for fundraised money. Students may utilize funds from their account to cover expenses related to music and related education, equipment purchases, and travel as long as the student is continuously participating in the PGHS music or related programs. A transfer or check request form signed by the parent or legal guardian is required for disbursement of monies from student accounts. Checks will be made payable to students or their parent/guardian only in repayment of an already-incurred expense and a copy of the receipt will be required.
Section 2. Upon leaving the music or related program or graduating from PGHS, student savings account funds may be transferred to a sibling if the sibling is to continue participating in the music or related program. Otherwise, all unused money in the student’s individual account will be transferred to the Band Booster’s Student Assistance Fund at the beginning of the school year following the student’s departure.
Section 3. Any money owed to the PGHS Music Program or fundraising event will be deducted first from the Student Account before requests for reimbursement of music-related expenses will be honored.
Article VIII - Amendments
Section 1. Bylaws may be amended as needed, with proposed text changes submitted in writing or sent via email prior to a regularly-scheduled or special Executive Board meeting. Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board prior to being submitted to the general membership for final approval.
Section 2. Written and/or e-mail notice of intent to conduct a vote on amendments to Bylaws must be included in the announcement of the agenda for the upcoming general meeting. Voting on amendments will require a quorum of 5, and amendments are approved if a majority of the members present at the meeting vote for approval.
Section 3. Approved amendments will be incorporated into the Bylaws text by the secretary. A current copy of the Bylaws shall be available on the PGH Band Booster website.
Article IX – Termination of Association
Section 1. Upon the dissolution of this organization, any Band Booster assets remaining after the payment of, or provision for the payment of, all debts and liabilities, shall be distributed to the Pleasant Grove High School Band Fund, Pleasant Grove High School, if it is then in existence and organized and operated exclusively for the charitable purposes and exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3). If not then in existence or so organized, operated or exempt, then assets may be distributed to another organization which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under IRC section 501(x)(3).
Adopted this 12th day of November, 2009.
President: Heather Reinitz
Vice President: Joseph Jacobs
Secretary: Michele O’Donnell
Treasurer: Am Nguyen
Fundraising Coordinator: Cathy Sterk
Publicity Coordinator: Leslie Youngstrom
Equipment Coordinator: Larry & Heidi Walther
Uniform Coordinator: Laura Abe
Webmaster: Giselle Koford
Amended this 21st day of November 2019.
President: Monique Anderson
Vice President: Sharri Smith
Secretary: Michelle Kroll
Treasurer: Julie Sportelli
Fundraising Coordinator: Michelle Atwood
Publicity Coordinator: Giselle Koford
Equipment Coordinator: Angelica Quezada
Uniform Coordinator: Jennifer Escobar
Webmaster: Jenny Nelson
Amended this 21st day of January, 2021.
President: Michelle Atwood
Vice President: Sharri Smith
Secretary: Marcella Singh
Treasurer: Robin Farnsworth
Fundraising Coordinator: Michelle Kroll
Publicity Coordinator: Giselle Koford
Equipment Coordinator:
Uniform Coordinator: Jennifer Escobar
Webmaster: Jenny Nelson